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Terrific Technology Topics Book A

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Terrific Technology Topics Book A

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US$32.95 - PDF download only
This two book photocopiable resource series takes seven high interest topics and provides teacher notes and student worksheets for working through each unit with a design and technology focus. Book A looks at: creating a design brief; Letterboxes; Hydroponics; and Classroom Cushions. Book B looks at: Playground Equipment; Lighthouses; School Lunches; and School Newsletters. Each unit has a design, make and appraise focus and integrates information, materials and systems. Each unit also includes information on: suggested lesson sequence and learning outcomes; how the topic can be extended; and suggestions for self and peer assessment.


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Additional information

  • UFR Code 482A_uk
  • Number of Pages
  • Format
  • Author Simon Green
  • ISBN 978-1-86968-282-8
  • Year Published