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Science Problem Solving Challenges - 2 Book Series

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US$65.90 - PDF download only

Science Problem Solving Challenges - 2 Book Series

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US$65.90 - PDF download only
This two book photocopiable resource series contains 72 interesting and informative science problem solving challenges which teachers can readily integrate into their science programs. Problem solving skills are a very important part of the science curriculum. This bank of 72 problem solving challenges spread out over two books provides teachers with a comprehensive range of ready-to-go activity sheets. The sheets all reflect the 'science-in-context' approach and are linked to the three major curriculum areas: the physical world; the living world; and the material world. Activities are aimed at developing scientific skills and understandings. Book A focuses on: Science Measurement; Nature of Matter; Chemical Change; Animal Way of Life. Book B focuses on: Space and Time; Electrical Energy; Radiant Energy; Heat Energy; Force - Motion - Mass.

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